Registration Rates Go Up This Week for Additive Manufacturing Strategies 2021

Additive Manufacturing Strategies 2021, the annual summit on business intelligence for the additive manufacturing industry held by SmarTech Analysis and, is coming to a computer screen near you February 9-12, 2021, with a pre-conference day on the 8th focused on exhibit presentations. You can still take advantage of early bird registration opportunities for AMS 2021, but the rates will be going up on October 21st.

This will be the event’s fourth year, and it will be held in a virtual format for the first time. 20 sessions will be livestreamed from 11 am until 3 pm EST from the 9th to the 12th, with an online curator moderating each session. There will be up to 15 minutes for questions and answers at the end of each session, and those who wish to view the sessions after they’ve been archived can send speakers their questions at a later date.

“Informational conferences in the additive industry have never been more important. Everyone has learned a lot this year, given the economical and societal disruptions, about how manufacturing and healthcare both really need to work—and work together—going forward. The additive manufacturing industry, like all others, is going to need to develop responsive strategies. If there’s one thing to takeaway from 2020 and the impacts that we have seen, it’s that there is a short-term need for continuous evaluation of the market, learning, and sharing of information. With so much economically riding on how the country and the world continues to respond to coronavirus in 2021, corporate leaders need the latest insights and networking more than ever,” Scott Dunham, Vice President of Research for SmarTech Analysis, told me. “Conferences like AMS are providing the backbone for strategy development that will separate those which excel in the short term and those who will see stalled growth due to a continuous state of change and uncertainty.”

The objective of AMS 2021, as it always is, is for attendees to leave at the end having gained plenty of knowledge on the latest trends in the AM industry. Each day, a SmarTech analyst will present the market forecast firm’s forecast on the day’s topic. The online conference will cover the normal topics of medical and dental 3D printing, bioprinting, and metals/new materials, but another vertical topic will be added this year that’s focused on software and automation for additive manufacturing.

“For anyone who is interested in the very latest developments in additive manufacturing, AMS 2021 in February will be the place to be,” SmarTech’s President of Industry Analysis Lawrence Gasman, who is also the President of Inside Quantum Technology (IQT), explained. “As we have in previous years, we will cover AM-related developments in metals printing and in medical/dental 3D.  But, this year, we are adding an automation/software day and a day devoted to bioprinting. These newly added topics will provide attendees with a deep understanding of the new directions for AM: how AM will fit into the Industry 4.0 concept and how the printing of the biomaterials will add a new string to AM’s bow.  Meanwhile, attend our metals day to hear about what’s new in that area, including the latest desktop technology and our medical/dental day, where medicine is becoming a key to AM’s future.”

IQT Europe is going above and beyond with an “almost-like-live” exhibit hall – mock up of Networking Lounge

AMS 2021 will also feature an online Exhibition Hall, which attendees can visit to check out the latest 3D printing products for dental, medical, and metals, in addition to biomaterials, software developments, and automation products. The mock-up image above of the Networking Lounge for the upcoming IQT Europe event held by 3DR Holdings and QuTech is very similar to what we’ll be featuring at AMS 2021. It’s very user-friendly: once you’ve signed into the live conference site, everything will be automatic, so no need to download any software to take part in virtual networking. Simply hover over the area of any company you’re interested in, and you will be automatically brought into the face-to-face video conversation taking place in the booth with the host staff.

We’re expecting the online AMS 2021 to feature more than 60 expert speakers, and there are plenty of available opportunities if you’re interested in sharing your expertise. Email [email protected] if you’d like to be a sponsor, exhibitor, or speaker at the summit. Remember, the early bird registration of just $69 for all five days goes away later this week on October 21st!

(Photo: Sarah Saunders for

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