3D Printing Webinar and Virtual Event Roundup, September 27, 2020

A range of topics will be covered in this week’s roundup of webinars and virtual events, starting with controlled nesting and increased productivity. Moving on, attendees can learn how to maximize CAD software, and then how to scale 3D printing for production purposes. Read on for the details!

Optimizing Controlled Nesting for Build Prep Challenges

Materialise experts Katie Esper and Steven Ostrowski, together with AM Engineer Victor Lopez from the Parker Hannifin Corporation, will discuss how using optimized nesting from the Magics Sinter Module can help solve common build prep stage issues with MJF and SLS 3D printing in a free webinar, “How to Overcome Build Prep Challenges with Controlled Nesting,” on Tuesday, September 29th at 10 am ET. The three speakers will discuss how using the Magics Sinter Module to control the nesting process can allow you to triumph over these challenges, as well as lower costs and streamline the print process.

“Chances are you experience challenges similar to what many others struggle with during the build preparation stage for MJF or SLS. From high costs to fragmented workflows, this step of the printing process has plenty of room to for improvement. Thanks to optimized nesting, you can do just that.”

Register for this free webinar here. Even if you can’t attend the live presentation, if you register, you’ll be able to get a copy of the recording at a later date.

Increase AM Productivity with Nexa3D

Also on September 29th, at 1:30 pm ET, Nexa3D will be hosting a Speed-to-Value webinar, “How to Increase Additive Manufacturing Productivity by 20X (2,000%),” and I think the topic is fairly self-explanatory. The company’s CEO, Chairman, and Co-Founder, Avi Reichental, and Head of Customer Success, Brent Zollinger, will discuss how attendees can use software tools and validated workflows to reduce cycle time, produce the greatest number of parts on a single printer, and choose functional materials, like Nexa3D’s new xCE-White functional photoplastic polymer, that can speed up production of cost-effective, end-use parts.

Quality and productivity are the two key factors in delivering value in AM. Quality is extremely difficult to manage at high print speeds – focusing only on improving quality could result in higher building cost and inefficient printing operations.

“Nexa3D believes that you don’t have to sacrifice one for the other. Companies can achieve big gains in productivity by combining optimal materials and advanced 3D printing technologies, with automated post-processing.”

You can register for the 30-minute webinar here.

CAD Software for Dental Applications with Formlabs

The last September 29th webinar, at 2 PM ET, will be held by Orthodontic Products, and focus on how to clean and prepare multiple types of 3D printable dental models, such as splints and clear retainers, by using some free online CAD software tools. “Learn How to Use This Free Software to Make Models From Your 3D Intraoral Scans” is sponsored by Formlabs, and Sam Wainwright, Formlabs’ dental product manager, will lead the discussion, teaching attendees how easy it can be to adopt in-house 3D printing, as well as some important CAD basics, such as how to zoom, rotate, pan, and orient around a 3D dental model, cleaning an intraoral scan to fill holes and refine perimeters, how to handle more complex cases, and how to send models to an in-office 3D Printer through WiFi.

“You’re interested in 3D printing, but learning CAD software is blocking you from taking the next step. Thanks to free tools available online, you can learn how to make your intraoral scans suitable for in-office 3D printing, from the comfort of your desk.

“In this webinar, we’re going to deep dive into a free software to teach you how to clean and prepare several types of models for 3D printing: diagnostic, clear retainers, splints, and more. This webinar will teach you the basics of CAD, and how easy it is to adopt and implement in-house 3D printing.”

You can register for the free, 30-minute webinar here.

OPEN MIND Technologies on Maximizing CAM Software for DED 

Repair being performed to add material to the cavity parting line via the hyperMILL Additive Manufacturing capability.

Speaking of software, OPEN MIND Technologies, a German CAD/CAM solutions developer, will be holding a webinar on Wednesday, September 30th, at 11 am ET, focused on how to maximize its hyperMILL CAM software in order to achieve efficient Directed Energy Deposition (DED) 3D printing. Attendees will learn how to choose the best CAM software for DED when 3D printing in 2D, 3D, and 5-axis applications, as well as ways to automate and control computer-aided DED technology using hyperMILL. David Bourdages, OPEN MIND’s hyperMILL Product Manager, will go over several examples of DED applications, such as adding features onto existing parts and building new parts on a base substrate, and will also provide some CAM software selection tips.

“You are manufacturing or are interested to manufacture parts using a Direct-Energy-Deposition process? You are searching for an innovative solution capable to support you in the programing task? Thanks to 25 years of experience to generate toolpath for high performance machine tools, hyperMILL offers now an innovative Additive manufacturing solution capable in 2D, 3D and 5 Axis. This webinar will show you how Additive manufacturing can be applied for coating, repair, adding features to an existing part or to build from scratch.”

You can register for the webinar here.

Scaling AM for Production with Women in 3D Printing

Our last event for the week is the latest virtual panel in the ongoing monthly series by Women in 3D Printing (Wi3DP). Previous topics have covered how to lead in the AM industry during uncertain times, design and innovation, aerospace, and sustainability, and this month’s will begin at 11 am ET on Wednesday, September 30th, and the topic will be “Scaling Additive Manufacturing for Production.” Sponsored again by Link3D, panelists will be Ellen Lee, Ford’s Additive Manufacturing Technical Leader; Kristel Van den Bergh, Director of Innovation for Materialise; and Laura Gilmour, Global Medical Business Development Manager at EOS. They will discuss some of the emerging technologies that enable full-scale AM production, what challenges need to be overcome in order to achieve serial production, and more.

“We’ll have plenty of time for a live Q&A from the attendees, and networking before and after for an opportunity to “virtually mingle” with people from your local Wi3DP chapters and afar. With men and women participating from all over the world, join us for this global networking opportunity!”

You can register for Wi3DP’s latest virtual panel here.

Do you have news to share about future webinars or virtual events? Let us know!

The post 3D Printing Webinar and Virtual Event Roundup, September 27, 2020 appeared first on 3DPrint.com | The Voice of 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing.

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