Blood Orange Miniatures: 3D printing fantasy samurai miniatures!

I’m always on the lookout for new fantasy models that look to Asian countries for inspiration. While that’s already a bit of a niche on the tabletop as is, it’s an even smaller one in the realms of 3D printing… so far at least.
Blood Orange Miniatures are one of the first Patreons I’ve stumbled across focusing on that very subject matter, so that certainly got my attention.
I’m going to nip any naysayers in the bud right from the get go about historically accurate gear and outfits- let us not forget that vast quantities of fantasy models out there are wearing completely impractical armor or wielding overtly large weapons.
The earliest releases committed one of my biggest pet peeves- integrated bases. I’m not a fan but I know the style has its fans, and it has been optional on all models released since. I had some difficulties with support removal on these models, but that’s more user errors on my end.
All of the models released so far have a nice sense of movement. They are not very static do a good job of telegraphing their motions.
The newest batch for August had the first male miniatures and they came out quite nicely (and still have based options should you want them).
Not pictured (as I’m exhausted from work and cleaning a bunch of prints) are various yokai adversaries and bits of scatter terrain available as well. Perhaps we’ll get around to them in a future video…
Also worth noting is these models fit in VERY WELL with Shadows of Brimstone and other modern Japanese- themed figures!