Antimatter Games: 3d printing the Uncharted Realms!

So I finally got a chance to print some of the models from the last Antimatter kickstarter campaign, and figured I’d show them off (along with some fun miscasts).
One of the things I enjoy about Antimatter’s models are the sheer variety of inhabitants they populate their games with. There is no denying that there is quite a bit of variety on offer.
My favorite of the bunch is probably the Infected Knight, despite not printing correctly. I’ll give it another try printing him. Hopefully he’ll turn out alright. The four armred Orgug giant is probably a close second. Similar to the Gug’s of the Cthulhu Mythos, it’s an impressive piece. And it is just that- a single piece.
It might be worth mentioning that a lot of these models were all single piece models, which considering the size of some of them was somewhat troublesome. The Thotag Worm, Tengoro Fire- Eye, and the Dimensional Hound from the same campaign won’t even fit completely on the print bed at their intended size! I hope in the future we might see larger models like this sliced for efficiency and people with smaller print plates.
The 3D printed models also pair nicely with the existing metal and resin ranges. It is always a concern I have with 3D printed pieces if they can coexist at the same size as their counterparts that were cast traditionally, and I’m glad Antimatter continues to keep scale in mind.
If you enjoy printing interesting fantasy models (and scenery as a bonus) do take a look through Antimatter’s catalogs of creatures, as well as their latest kickstarter!

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